EMS License Disciplinary Information

Fire Department
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Joined: 11 Oct 2017, 00:33

Image Los Santos County Emergency Medical Services
EMS License Disciplinary Information

Disciplinary Information
The EMS License Review Board is responsible for prosecuting license discipline against licensees who violate the San Andreas Health and Safety Code or breach the Los Santos County EMS Protocols. License discipline is not a punishment on the individual - it is an administrative action against the license to ensure that the public's health and safety is protected. Depending on the facts and circumstances of the individual case, the actions may range from a strike for a minor punishment, up to license revocation for serious matters that put the public's health and safety at risk.

Disciplinary actions are a matter of public record. They may be requested here.

The following administrative actions may be taken against a license:
  • Strike
    • A strike is a written warning toward the license for minor offenses, such as an unjustified breach of protocol with no harm done to a patient. Once an individual has received three strikes, it is an automatic license suspension for 14 days.
  • Denial
    • An individual may have their license be denied for any fraudulent or unprofessional conduct displayed prior to requesting a license.
  • Probation
    • The review board may opt to place an individual on probation, in which any further offense during a set amount of time may result in a revocation.
  • Suspension
    • A license may be suspended for offenses that are more serious or for repeated offenses.
  • Revocation
    • For the most serious offenses, an individual may have their license revoked. The review board may also impose a time until which the licensee can re-obtain their license.
An individual may appeal a decision made by the review board by going here.

Disciplinary Consideration Factors
The following criteria are taken into consideration when reviewing a case:
  1. Nature and severity of the offense(s);
  2. Actual or potential harm to the public or patient;
  3. Prior disciplinary record;
  4. Any disciplinary action imposed by the licensees' employer for the same offense;
The following criteria are also applied to appeals:
  1. Rehabilitation evidence;
  2. Compliance with terms of probation/court orders.
  3. Time that has elapsed since the offense(s) occurred.

  1. Fraud in the procurement of any certificate or license under this board.
  2. Gross negligence
    • An extreme departure from the standard of care which, under similar circumstances, would have ordinarily been exercised by a reasonable and prudent person trained and acting in a similar capacity while engaged in the performance of his or her duties if confronted with a similar circumstance.
  3. Repeated negligent acts
    • A repeated failure to uphold the expected standard of care.
  4. Incompetence
    • The lack of possession of that degree of knowledge, skill, and ability ordinarily possessed and exercised by another licensee of the same level.
  5. Conviction of any crime which is substantially related to the qualifications, functions, and duties of prehospital personnel.
  6. Violating or attempting to violate any federal or state statute or regulation which regulates narcotics, dangerous drugs, or controlled substances.
  7. Addiction to the excessive use of, or the misuse of, alcoholic beverages, narcotics, dangerous drugs, or controlled substances.
  8. Functioning outside the supervision of medical control in the field care system, except as authorized by any other license or certification.
  9. Demonstration or irrational behavior or occurrence of a physical disability to the extent that the ability to perform the duties normally expected may be impaired.
  10. Unprofessional conduct.
    • The mistreatment or physical abuse of any patient resulting from force in excess of what a reasonable person trained in a similar capacity would use if confronted with a similar circumstance. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to prohibit a licensee from assisting a peace officer, or a peace officer who is acting in the dual capacity of a peace officer, from using that force that is reasonably necessary to effect a lawful arrest or detention.
  11. The failure to maintain confidentiality of patient medical information except as disclosure is otherwise permitted or required by law.
  12. The commission of any sexually related offense as defined by the San Andreas Penal Code.

Conditions of Probation
It is the responsibility of this board to monitor licensees placed on probation to ensure they are following these standards:
  • Probation Compliance:
    • The licensee shall fully comply with all terms and conditions of the probationary order. The licensee shall fully cooperate with the review board in its monitoring, investigation, and evaluation of the licensees' compliance with the terms and conditions of his/her probationary order.
  • Personal Appearances:
    • As directed by the review board, the licensee shall appear in person for interviews, meetings, and/or evaluations of the licensees' compliance with the terms and conditions of the probationary order.
  • Employment Notification:
    • During the probationary period, the licensee shall notify the review board in writing of any EMS employment. The licensee shall inform the review board in writing of the name and address of any prospective EMS employer prior to accepting employment. Additionally, the licensee shall disclose the terms and conditions of his/her probation to his/her EMS employer.
  • Termination Notification:
    • The licensee shall notify the review board within seventy-two (72) hours after termination, for any reason, with his/her prehospital medical care employer. The licensee must provide a full, detailed written explanation of the reasons and circumstances of his/her termination.
  • Functioning as an EMT/Paramedic:
    • The period of probation shall not run anytime that the licensee is not practicing as an EMR, EMT, AEMT, or Paramedic within the jurisdiction of Los Santos County.
  • Obey All Related Laws:
    • The licensee shall obey all federal, state, and local laws, statutes, regulations, written policies, protocols, and rules governing the practice of medical care. The licensee shall not engage in any conduct that is grounds for disciplinary action in the health and safety code. Within 72 hours of being arrested, cited, or criminally charged for any offense, the licensee shall submit to the review board a full and detailed account of the circumstances thereof. The review board shall determine the applicability of the offense(s).
  • Completion of Probation:
    • The member's license shall be fully restored upon successful completion of probation.
  • Violation of Probation:
    • If during the period of probation the licensee fails to comply with any term of probation, the review board may initiate action to terminate probation and implement actual license suspension/revocation.
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